Christians, disciples who fear God and are able to demonstrate His love and live abundant lives as Christ intended. Ingoring our cultural values would be superficial and irrelevant. We bear in mind that we are living in a global village and we have a duty to work out our faith with all the cultural dynamics we face as a country. We acknowledge the challenges of merging the cultures and being truthful to the work, but we truly believe that Christ wants us to help our generation in this area through relevant discipleship programs.
Christ is at the centre of all we do.
We are a Christian ministry that serves the local church and the community through discipleship and community outreach for the holistic transformation of this generation by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.
We have the love for the people both churched and unchurched. It is this love that drives us to do what we do. The source of this love is in Christ who loved the world and gave His life for it. The love of Christ compels us to reach out to the world.
Our role is not to transform, but to facilitate the transformation of this generation; Only God has the power to transform people's lives.
GLO Zambia has been in existence since 1984 with putting the site in place and initial training starting by 1987 giving holistic service and opportunities to the people of Zambia.